Testicular Ultrasound Scan
If you have discovered a lump within your testicles or scrotum, likewise if you are experiencing any pains, aches, discomfort in the testicles, scrotum or groin, get in touch today with MSK Scans for your free consultation.

The testicles or testes (commonly known as “balls”) are found in a sac called the scrotum hanging below the penis. They are the male reproductive organ responsible for producing sperms and testosterone in males.
The testicles are arguably one of the most important organs in the male body. Being such an important organ means it is vital to examine it routinely. There have been cases of testicular lumps which turned out to be testicular cancer. But this does not mean every lump in the testicles is cancer.
Notwithstanding, it is better to be safe than sorry. That is why men are often encouraged to routinely check their testicles for unusual signs and symptoms such as swellings, lumps or pains.
Testicles lump or pain?
If unfortunately, you notice a lump or pain in your testicles in could be as a result of several things. Sometimes it is nothing serious, but it is always worth checking just in case it turns out to be something quite serious.
Men are therefore advised to self-check their testicles regularly. It can be easy to treat and manage if the symptoms of testicular cancer are noticed early. Likewise it can be easy to diagnose and treat the symptoms of testicular cancer in the early stages.
Self-examination is by no means how you diagnose testicular cancer or any other illness. What self-examination does is to help you identify anomalies on your testicles. Once you do discover an abnormality such as pain or lumps, you are advised to contact your GP for a thorough examination.
Whilst the NHS does a fantastic job, unfortunately, the waiting time to see a GP could be up to eight weeks sometimes, we need that confirmation and diagnosis instantly. This is where we can help.

Want a faster diagnosis?
The good news is that you don’t have to wait. If after self-examination you discover that you have lumps or swollen in your testes but don’t want to wait for up to eight weeks to see your doctor, then there is a better way.
ScanAssure Medical Ultrasound offers on the same day diagnosis – we are a private ultrasound scanning company. With the prevalence of testicular cancer, no one would blame you for wanting to take a proactive approach to finding out your diagnosis quicker. The idea is to give you peace of mind, especially if you don’t have testicular cancer. If however, your scan shows something more sinister and warrants further investigation the benefit of a quick diagnosis is that you can opt to start treatment immediately.
We can come to you and perform your scan in the comfort of your home for just £99. Alternatively, you can visit one of our many ultrasound diagnostic suites throughout the North West (£80)
If you have discovered a lump within your testicles or scrotum, likewise if you are experiencing any pains, aches, discomfort in the testicles, scrotum or groin, get in touch today with ScanAssure for your free consultation.